The rose has been valued for its beauty and aroma for centuries. Rose petals are great for flavoring your favorite teas or as ingredients in baking, soaps, candles, potpourri, and colorings. We love them for their relaxing and digestive properties.

6,50 $


The rose has been valued for its beauty and aroma for centuries. Rose petals for distillation or drying are picked by hand when the volatile rose oil content is highest.

Rose petals are perfect for flavoring your favorite teas, they are delicious in infusion and release captivating aromas. We love them for their relaxing and digestive properties.

In addition, rose petals are often used in baking, to flavor cream, ice cream or even a dessert made from almonds or pistachios. It is often found in cardamom desserts. It is also a spice that goes well with saffron, both in sweet and savory dishes.

Rose petals can also be used as ingredients in soaps, candles, potpourri, and colorants.


