The clove is a small to medium-sized, evergreen tree native to the small volcanic islands of the Moluccas archipelago, Indonesia. The clove has been known for a very long time in China (you had to bite into a clove when you spoke to the emperor) and in the Mediterranean basin. Imported to Europe in the Middle Ages, it was a terribly expensive spice. Its origin was initially hidden and, like cinnamon and nutmeg, it was not until Portuguese and then Dutch colonization that the spice was harvested and exported in significant quantities to Europe.
Latin name: Eugenia caryophyllus
French name: Clove
English name: Clove, bud
Family: Myrtaceae
Country of origin: Madagascar
Distilled part: Floral buds
Extraction method: Steam distillation
Characteristics: Pale yellow to yellow mobile liquid with a powerful, spicy odor.
Aromatherapy properties:
Antispasmodic, carminative, expectorant, anti-infective, broad-spectrum antibacterial +++, antiviral +++, antifungal ++, antiparasitic ++, antiseptic +++, general stimulant +++, neurotonic, uterotonic, hypertensive, mild aphrodisiac, cutaneous cauterizing, pulp
Indications: Dental infections, toothache +++, tonsillitis +++, viral hepatitis +++, spasmodic enterocolitis +++, viral enterocolitis +++, bacterial colitis, cholera, dysentery, amoebic +++, cystitis, salpingitis, metritis +++, viral neuritis, ++ neuralgia, parasites in plaque, polio , infected acne, sinusitis, bronchitis, influenza, tuberculosis ++, malaria, bourbouille ++ (inflammation of the sweat glands, itching), physical and intellectual asthenia, severe fatigue +++, hypotension, difficult childbirth, thyroid disorder, Hodgkin’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis
Energy and emotional action
It releases the energies contained in the teeth, mouth and throat chakra. It helps to think about the root cause of the pain.
Precautions for use
Keep out of the reach of children, air, heat and light.