Our “La douceur” gift basket is specially designed to help people discover our favorite products and whet the senses with a variety of aromas. A good way to get to know Refill &co and our products! Assembled in a superb reusable iron mesh basket or in a pretty practical and recyclable gift box, it will appeal to all lovers of good things and local products.

55,85 $

Our “La douceur” gift basket is specially designed to help people discover our favorite products and whet the senses with a variety of aromas. A good way to get to know Refill &co and our products! Assembled in a superb reusable iron mesh basket or in a pretty practical and recyclable gift box, it will appeal to all lovers of good things and local products.

The gift basket includes:
A bag of exfoliating clay pebbles, Les Parfait Galets
A 50g jar of herbal tea, Zyo
A 120g soap bar, La maison d’Oléa
Two mini shower bombs – Poussière d’étoile
A 4oz candle, Soja &co