Our “Le coquet” gift basket is designed to provide freshness and softness at bath time. Take full advantage of your bath thanks to a selection of quality products to pamper yourself. Assembled in a beautiful reusable galvanized metal basket, in a jar or in a pretty, practical and recyclable gift box, this gift basket is perfect for people who need to reconnect with the times.

60,95 $

Our “Le coquet” gift basket is designed to provide freshness and softness at bath time. Take full advantage of your bath thanks to a selection of quality products to pamper yourself. Assembled in a beautiful reusable galvanized metal basket, in a jar or in a pretty, practical and recyclable gift box, this gift basket is perfect for people who need to reconnect with the times.

The gift basket includes:
A sea sponge – Poussière d’étoile
A nail polish, BZ lady
A konjac sponge for the face, B-kind
A bottle of rose water for the face, Be-U