The delicate hazelnut flavor of the morel makes it a very popular food for gourmets! Pasta, scrambled eggs or risotto will become real royal dishes thanks to it.

10,50 $

Product number : 85356600132

The delicate hazelnut flavor of the morel makes it a very popular food for gourmets! Pasta, scrambled eggs or risotto will become real royal dishes thanks to it.

Morels are quite small mushrooms: although there are exceptions, their size generally does not exceed 10 cm, reaching a maximum of 20 cm. Their foot, white in color, is hollow. Their hat is honeycombed, of a somewhat rubbery consistency. Morels like cool ground, limestone ground, orchards, rubble, or even recently burned places. Rarely growing alone, they are often found in groups, under the ash trees at the edge of the woods.

Size: 12g

An excellent product from Morille Quebec
